Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Hype & Myth #1 Society's love for masculinity

There is lot of hype about society's bias towards males, esp. Male children are most preferred!

Let me justify why its hype ?

1. Male child is to protect and provide.. Protect and die for the society or county with some cheap words like patriotism etc. To work hard like a donkey all his life so who ever is on top of the pyramid (King/Queen, or Matriach/Patriach or Politician(its unisex)) Similar to the humans cultivated in egg shells in Matrix movie.

2. An accident 50 died out of which 2 were women. So which means all 48 can die ! What a stupid way of looking at things - no , the society is actually happy about dying men. Its part of an intelligent scheme for the top people to be on top

3. Frame gender biased rules and keep men down so that they dont think about thier rights ! Want to know more about them.. just google 498A, Domestic Violence Act 2005.. Is it just in India.. in most so called developed countries too.. Some countries have really developed and they make it gender neutral...

4. Always the Inflation was high.. why ? only then you will lose most of your time in finding food/shelter for your family.. No man on top will reduce the price rise.. Artificial demand and unplanned expansion will continue for people on top of pyramid..

Am I talking Communism.. definitely NOT.. its anthropology !

May be I am wrong.. let me know..

Why does Man love Woman ?

Sathiyama I dont know the answer !
After lot of before thought and after that I find its neither opposite poles attract or as prescribed in Bible/Qoran or Gita ( I meant the one with Bhagawad as the Initial)

Its mostly a chemical reaction! Yes, I meant its hormonal chemistry that makes the human life sustain.

I  think same is the case with why Woman loves man !

But Why does one man loves only one woman ? and vice versa , I dont think its mostly because of social conditioning always ! (like social pressure of monogamy etc..)..

There is something more to it .. search for a soul mate and stuff like that..Which is good to write and read but doesnt make any sense to many of us !

What I understand is most couple dont understand that..
they cannot understand this... :-)